600 days before decentralisation: Council of Europe is ready to assist Ukraine in implementing this plan, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

The Council of Europe is ready to continue providing expert support to Ukraine in implementing the reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power, especially in creating a legislative basis for the implementation of the plan of 600 days before the completion of the first decentralisation phase, informed Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, following the results of the meeting with Claudia Luciani, Director of the Human Dignity, Equality and Governance Directorate, the Council of Europe.

“Examination of our initiatives by the Council of Europe is of great importance in implementing the reform, in which we adhere to the principles of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. In course of the next 600 days, envisaged by the algorithm of our further actions, we count on the support of the European experts in the development of constitutional amendments, the draft law on state supervision over the lawfulness of local self-government decisions, as well as active participation in the work of the Donor Board under MinRegion,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda.

Claudia Luciani noted that the Council of Europe points out significant support of decentralisation by Ukrainians. “We will further support Ukraine on its way to decentralisation, and will provide primarily professional and expert assistance,” assured Mrs. Luciani.





06.12.2018 - 10:02 | Views: 12478
600 days before decentralisation: Council of Europe is ready to assist Ukraine in implementing this plan, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

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V.Nehoda Council of Europe


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