Hlybochytska AH and UkraineNOW – modern promotion of hromada

The Hlybochytska AH in the Zhytomyr Oblast together with DARSA digital agenсy, UkraineInvest Office, Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre (established by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion), Regional Development Agency of the Zhytomyr Oblast, created the first Ukrainian and English-language promotional videos, and developed an investment passport of the Hlybochytska AH.

“The DARSA digital agenсy has been working with amalgamated hromadas for the first time and we are happy with the result. Our task was not just to show that there is a certain hromada on the map of Ukraine, but to demonstrate that success comes to those who believe in Ukraine now and will always believe in it. The UkraineNOW brand bears exactly this message to the world community. Such an example should be followed,” shared his thoughts Oleksandr Darsavelidze, head of the DARSA agency.

Invest in UkraineNOW is a brand, placed at the beginning of the video due to the UkraineInvest Office’s support, symbolises openness of the Hlybochytska AH to investors and international organisations.

“Our AH is only one year old, but during this period we have carried out a detailed sectoral analysis, we have developed investment proposals – from establishment of the Ukrainian Culture and Tourism Centre to the construction of a logistics centre. Our hromada has excellent geographical, logistical, infrastructural attractivement, human potential and favourable conditions for investors. We are demonstrating this to show the whole world that the Ukrainian hromada has some experience and a desire to develop,” said Serhii Sokalskyi, Hlybochytsia village head.


Due to his proactive stance, Serhii Sokalskyi was invited by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme to the House of Decentralisation in Kyiv. He presented the Hlybochytska AH and invited Bastian Veigel, GIZ Programme Director of U-LEAD with Europe (Germany), Kameran Khudur, Sida Programme Director of U-LEAD with Europe, and 19 ambassadors from the European Union for cooperation.

“I hope that you will get acquainted with our hromada, and the materials that I am presenting will induce joint actions and projects,” said Serhii Sokalskyi.


Житомирська область


Глибочицька територіальна громада


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