In 2020, local elections should take place provided that the whole territory of Ukraine is covered by amalgamated hromadas - President

During a speech at the Regional Development Council, President Petro Poroshenko emphasised the importance of the formation of amalgamated hromadas throughout Ukraine until the local elections in 2020.

"In 2014, we set ambitious goals - to implement the decentralisation reform and break up once and for all with the centralised Soviet system. To give powers and resources to hromadas. Today, when we are somewhere at the equator of this reform, we must set similar ambitious goals and objectives," Petro Poroshenko said.

"We must see the horisons of the reform. 2020 is crucial. In 2020, local elections should take place provided that the whole territory of Ukraine is covered by AHs,” the President emphasised.

The President stressed that maximum encouragement should be provided to the further hromadas’ amalgamation. In turn, the Verkhovna Rada has to adopt an extremely important draft law on the principles of administrative-territorial structure.

"We must discuss it, get social support and accept it. It approves hromada as a basic administrative-territorial unit of the state. We are bringing powers to people. Our actions, actions of the authorities should be absolutely clear," the President emphasised.

The Head of State noted that in 2019, all perspective plans of oblasts with full coverage of Ukraine’s territory by AHs should be formed.

"In 2020, we must take an administrative decision on amalgamation of hromadas that have not found any desire, aspiration or ability to amalgamate in course of four years. People cannot suffer from the fact that nobody is able to ensure amalgamation by 2020. Why do they have to live in worse conditions than those in amalgamated hromadas? We have not been putting pressure for four years, we have been only fiscally encouraging. But nobody can act against the interests of the hromada, the interests of people,” Petro Poroshenko said.

"This will happen in accordance with the will of people, so that nobody is hostage. This will happen in accordance with perspective plans approved by the oblast councils. We must complete the key stage of the reform so that all Ukrainian citizens finally have equal access to high-quality services in education, healthcare and social sphere," he added.

The President recalled that 865 AHs have already been formed on a voluntary basis.

The Head of State said that today, the united territorial communities cover already 24% of the population and 37% of the total area of Ukraine. "They have a stronger financial base now. At the same time, 99 districts have not created any united community. I want to emphasize that it is completely unacceptable," the President noted.


12.11.2018 - 14:43 | Views: 41165
In 2020, local elections should take place provided that the whole territory of Ukraine is covered by amalgamated hromadas - President


amalgamation of hromadas P.Poroshenko


Адміністрація Президента України

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