Experts answered common questions about primary healthcare financing

Following the meeting of regional healthcare reform coordinators with representatives of the National Health Service of Ukraine, held on 5 November at the House of Decentralisation, answers to widespread questions (REVIEW) regarding primary healthcare financing, declarations’ signing and quality control of service delivery were prepared.

Karolina Inhinova, chief specialist of the Department for Strategic Projects’ Management and International Activities, and Maksym Kuzmin, chief specialist of the Department for Agreements’ Monitoring and Cooperation with Law Enforcement Bodies, consulted the coordinators on 2019 healthcare financing plans.

The participants of the meeting had also an opportunity to discuss and share their experience with Ihor Abramyuk, director for development of the Association of AHs, who presented the work of the Association, sectoral healthcare platform, as well as results of the survey on primary healthcare reform, conducted in 2018.

Regional healthcare reform coordinators of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme agree on the reform implementation in the regions with MinRegion, Ministry of Health and U-LEAD. Regional coordinators work in the Vinnytsia, Volyn, Zhytomyr, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Mykolayiv, Rivne, Chernivtsi, Kherson and the Kyiv Oblasts.


08.11.2018 - 10:39 | Views: 8542
Experts answered common questions about primary healthcare financing

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