Two hromadas of Rivne Oblast to have joint ASC

The Pryvilnenska and Tarakanivska AHs of the Rivne Oblast signed an agreement on intermunicipal cooperation. The document envisages joint implementation of the Administrative Service Provision project through the ASC of the Pryvinenska AH.

The development of the IMC agreement was conducted under the supervision of the Rivne Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion. As noted by LGDC adviser Valeriy Mikulich, the main objective of the agreement is to provide high-quality administrative services and bring them closer to the residents of both hromadas.

“The Pryvilnenska AH will receive institutional support in ASC establishment from the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. Experts will assist in the preparation of normative documents for the ASC status and organisation of its activities. The hromada will also receive support in forming the structure and staff of the ASC, in personnel training, advanced training, including business ethics and gender-related issues, etc. In addition, the Programme will provide furniture to equip workplaces for the staff and places for ASC visitors, as well as office equipment and software,” he said.

It should be noted that on 16 October, the heads of the Pryvilnenska, Myrohoshchanska and Tarakanivska AHs of the Dubno Rayon of the Rivne Oblast signed the agreement on intermunicipal cooperation. The document defines the functioning of a joint methodological educational center.



08.11.2018 - 10:29 | Views: 13856
Two hromadas of Rivne Oblast to have joint ASC


cooperation Administrative services


Рівненська область


Привільненська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Тараканівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Тараканівська територіальна громада Привільненська територіальна громада


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