You can do a lot of things with little money – head of Vyshnivetska AH of Ternopil Oblast

At the end of December 2016, four councils, comprising nine settlements, decided that it was time to take responsibility for the development of their territories. Thus, the Vyshnivetska settlement AH was formed in the Ternopil Oblast. Now there it has about 9 000 residents. In the elections, 85% of people voted for a local businessman who has never been an official before, but had managerial experience.

Within the project of the UCMC – DOBRE “Speakers of Homadas”, Volodymyr Kravets, head of the hromada, told how the Vyshnivetska AH has changed over the incomplete two years of functioning.


According to Volodymyr Kravets, in 2016 the heads of the hromada villages included young perspective-looking people, who understood the benefits of amalgamation.

Already in spring 2017 the Vyshnivetska AH began to repair roads. Besides, UAH 2.5 million were directed to roof replacement in three schools.

In the same 2017, the hromada created a department of education and all educational institutions came to the AH subordination.

In order not only to create conditions, but also to guarantee the quality of education, study visits are organised for hromada representatives. For example, a week ago there was a working visit to Estonia dedicated to the topic of education.

The Vyshnivetska AH is trying to develop local business.

The hromada purchased two computer programmes, through which taxes can be seen at any moment.

The AH also works on attracting donor funds. For this purpose, they created the position of project manager. In particular, the Vyshnivetska AH is a partner of the USAID DOBRE Programme.

The head of the hromada also says that there is no corruption in their AH.

The video below features the cultural and leisure centres, public discussion of the budget, the Vyshnivtsi “Versailles” and other attractions of the Vyshnivetska AH.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE





Тернопільська область


Вишнівецька селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Вишнівецька територіальна громада


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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