22 December 2024
Views: 7026

What is the difference between decentralisation proposed by the Government, Ukrainian and European experts, and federalisation?

Federalisation means the transfer of significant powers to the level of regions (oblast), and local self-government reform relies on communities (people).

It is risky to transfer resources and powers only to the regional level as it is possible to reproduce a centralised and corrupt system of government, only at the regional level.

However, there are other risks. The construction of federal power threatens by the fact that local politicians can foment separatism using local residents and opposing people for this purpose, instead of taking care of providing public amenities on the ground. Most importantly, federalisation will create problems for decision-making in the country as a whole. There are examples among federations, when politicians block each other instead of finding a common solution. There are separatists in different countries, especially in federative countries, and also in countries where regions have excessive powers.

The more vital and really relevant questions will be taken out of politics, the more people will benefit and the more stable Ukraine will be. Today it is important to create a strong local self-government as the basis of a united stable Ukraine, and the remaining issues (linguistic and cultural characteristics of individual territories) can be solved gradually through constructive political dialogue.

When the list of powers of local self-government will be formed at different levels (hromada – rayon – oblast), representatives of local self-government bodies, including those from the eastern and southern regions of the country, will participate in the discussion, as it was, when the Concepts of the Reform were being formed.
