12 September 2024
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Inter-municipal wonder. 16 municipalities of the Zakarpatya oblast are jointly constructing a waste sorting plant Inter-municipal wonder. 16 municipalities of the Zakarpatya oblast are jointly constructing a waste sorting plant
Cooperation of municipalities: 5 municipalities of the Sumy oblast will jointly form an up-to-date solid household waste management infrastructure Cooperation of municipalities: 5 municipalities of the Sumy oblast will jointly form an up-to-date solid household waste management infrastructure
Superheroes versus waste. How the Krynychanska municipality has learned to recycle and cares about the environment Superheroes versus waste. How the Krynychanska municipality has learned to recycle and cares about the environment
A municipality from the Dnipropetrovsk oblast has started recycling with the help of superheroes, trainings and festivals A municipality from the Dnipropetrovsk oblast has started recycling with the help of superheroes, trainings and festivals
U-LEAD will assist municipalities in developing local plans of waste management U-LEAD will assist municipalities in developing local plans of waste management
How can wastes become revenues for municipalities? A guidebook with successful cases How can wastes become revenues for municipalities? A guidebook with successful cases
Waste treatment: what the International Expert Discussion has covered Waste treatment: what the International Expert Discussion has covered
Cleanliness station. The Bakhmut municipality is realizing a large-scale project of waste treatment Cleanliness station. The Bakhmut municipality is realizing a large-scale project of waste treatment
Our municipality competition: the Voznesensk municipality has won the competition and started implementing the project Our municipality competition: the Voznesensk municipality has won the competition and started implementing the project
The municipality nemesis. A report from the Lviv oblast The municipality nemesis. A report from the Lviv oblast
How to organise waste sorting? Experience of the Ternopil oblast How to organise waste sorting? Experience of the Ternopil oblast
Community facilities: waste, sewage disposal, water discharge – the second season of the Municipality project for the third time Community facilities: waste, sewage disposal, water discharge – the second season of the Municipality project for the third time
The Borsukivska municipality has challenged waste The Borsukivska municipality has challenged waste
Why it is profitable to compost organic wastes – experience of the Voznesenska municipality Why it is profitable to compost organic wastes – experience of the Voznesenska municipality
Waste-free life: experience of the Novoukrayinska municipality Waste-free life: experience of the Novoukrayinska municipality