08 September 2024
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“War makes us more honest and takes away a lot of superficialities.” Interview with Andriy Sadovyi “War makes us more honest and takes away a lot of superficialities.” Interview with Andriy Sadovyi
Mayor of Chuhuiv: The shelling of the city has not stopped for a day since the beginning of the war Mayor of Chuhuiv: The shelling of the city has not stopped for a day since the beginning of the war
“Our guys and I defended the city for 32 days.” Interview with Mayor of Makariv “Our guys and I defended the city for 32 days.” Interview with Mayor of Makariv
“Everything we were doing for eight years has been smashed, burned, looted.” Interview with the Mayor of Izyum

“Everything we were doing for eight years has been smashed, burned, looted.” Interview with the Mayor of Izyum
«Daily 50-100 russian bombs fall on the city, killing 100-150 city residents…». An interview of Mariupol deputy mayor «Daily 50-100 russian bombs fall on the city, killing 100-150 city residents…». An interview of Mariupol deputy mayor
«Do not make a fatal mistake, stop this war and help Ukraine!»: theses of the first day of the International marathon of local self-government «Do not make a fatal mistake, stop this war and help Ukraine!»: theses of the first day of the International marathon of local self-government
A hostage in Bucha. Personal story

A hostage in Bucha. Personal story
Struggle for Ukraine in the rear. Stories of families from different corners of Ukraine, staying in a Lviv flat Struggle for Ukraine in the rear. Stories of families from different corners of Ukraine, staying in a Lviv flat
«The war has led to the Ukrainian nation formation and made us stronger…» Comments by municipality heads «The war has led to the Ukrainian nation formation and made us stronger…» Comments by municipality heads
The world supports Ukraine: «My dear Ukrainian friends, we’ll help with everything possible. Justice is sure to win» The world supports Ukraine: «My dear Ukrainian friends, we’ll help with everything possible. Justice is sure to win»
Inter-municipal wonder. 16 municipalities of the Zakarpatya oblast are jointly constructing a waste sorting plant Inter-municipal wonder. 16 municipalities of the Zakarpatya oblast are jointly constructing a waste sorting plant
League Amore or how Germans were shooting a movie in Pryvilne League Amore or how Germans were shooting a movie in Pryvilne
How «Breakfast with the Municipality Head» is changing municipality life How «Breakfast with the Municipality Head» is changing municipality life
5 copecks. The Dobroslavska municipality New Year fairy tale 5 copecks. The Dobroslavska municipality New Year fairy tale
An Oscar for everyone, even despite the poor quality «movie» An Oscar for everyone, even despite the poor quality «movie»