27 July 2024
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“Where once was a flourishing municipality, there are ruins.” Interview with the head of the Snihurivka municipality

“Where once was a flourishing municipality, there are ruins.” Interview with the head of the Snihurivka municipality
Village head, Senior Sergeant Artur Shevtsov. Interview with the head of the Vakulove municipality Village head, Senior Sergeant Artur Shevtsov. Interview with the head of the Vakulove municipality
Schooling under bullets. Educational story from the Lyptsi municipality Schooling under bullets. Educational story from the Lyptsi municipality
“I remember the Russian military as looters...” Interview with the head of the Lyptsi municipality “I remember the Russian military as looters...” Interview with the head of the Lyptsi municipality
“The role of local self-government in organising resistance is paramount.” Interview with Ivan Fedorov “The role of local self-government in organising resistance is paramount.” Interview with Ivan Fedorov
Оборона Ізюма Оборона Ізюма
“It is important for us to preserve the connection of children with Mariupol, with Ukraine, as well as the educational and intellectual potential of our city” – Vadym Boichenko “It is important for us to preserve the connection of children with Mariupol, with Ukraine, as well as the educational and intellectual potential of our city” – Vadym Boichenko
«Харків житиме, школи працюватимуть, і сама ця робота теж є нашим опором окупанту», - інтерв’ю Ігоря Терехова «Харків житиме, школи працюватимуть, і сама ця робота теж є нашим опором окупанту», - інтерв’ю Ігоря Терехова
«У нас аграрна громада, але наші поля весь час зазнають артилерійських ударів», - інтерв’ю з Олександром Береговим

«У нас аграрна громада, але наші поля весь час зазнають артилерійських ударів», - інтерв’ю з Олександром Береговим
«Ми будуємо потужний тил…» - інтерв’ю з головою Байковецької громади «Ми будуємо потужний тил…» - інтерв’ю з головою Байковецької громади
Все для перемоги: чим живуть тилові громади Все для перемоги: чим живуть тилові громади
Nikita and Stefan. What can a story of a friendship between a Dutch and a Ukrainian family teach us? Nikita and Stefan. What can a story of a friendship between a Dutch and a Ukrainian family teach us?
“One can learn from the courage with which Ukrainian people fight a stronger enemy.” Interview with the mayor of the Dutch city of Oosterhout “One can learn from the courage with which Ukrainian people fight a stronger enemy.” Interview with the mayor of the Dutch city of Oosterhout
“Like most Dutch people, I believe that it was my home that Putin attacked.” The story of a Dutch teacher, Laurent Koopmans “Like most Dutch people, I believe that it was my home that Putin attacked.” The story of a Dutch teacher, Laurent Koopmans
“This terrible war brought Ukrainians together and united them.” Interview with the Mayor of Kramatorsk “This terrible war brought Ukrainians together and united them.” Interview with the Mayor of Kramatorsk