28 September 2024
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Award сeremony “Crystal of the Year 2019” to take place in Kyiv on 19 November Award сeremony “Crystal of the Year 2019” to take place in Kyiv on 19 November
Decentralisation and local budget revenues: 10 month data Decentralisation and local budget revenues: 10 month data
Financial management in hromadas: issue analysis and expert recommendations to local and state authorities Financial management in hromadas: issue analysis and expert recommendations to local and state authorities
Financial management in AH: performance criteria, monitoring, and successful cases Financial management in AH: performance criteria, monitoring, and successful cases
Almost UAH 200 billion in 3 quarters: local budgets have increased opportunities for territorial development Almost UAH 200 billion in 3 quarters: local budgets have increased opportunities for territorial development
Solar station on landfill site: the most progressive Ukrainian hromada in Khmelnytskyi Oblast impresses Solar station on landfill site: the most progressive Ukrainian hromada in Khmelnytskyi Oblast impresses
Chyhyrynska and Medvedivska AHs: how are hromadas developing?
Financial decentralisation: in 8 months local budgets received 2.5 times more funds than over the whole 2014 Financial decentralisation: in 8 months local budgets received 2.5 times more funds than over the whole 2014
Experts presented analytical indicators of AH budget performance over the first six months of 2019 by oblast Experts presented analytical indicators of AH budget performance over the first six months of 2019 by oblast
Government instructed Ministry of Finance and MinRegion to provide funding for regional development projects Government instructed Ministry of Finance and MinRegion to provide funding for regional development projects
Experts analysed budgets of 806 AHs over the first half of 2019 Experts analysed budgets of 806 AHs over the first half of 2019
Experts analysed local budgets’ performance over the first half of 2019 Experts analysed local budgets’ performance over the first half of 2019
Handbook for AH head (Manual) Handbook for AH head (Manual)
How the state supports territorial development in 2019 – manual from experts How the state supports territorial development in 2019 – manual from experts
Local budgets grow: UAH 150.9 billion in 7 months Local budgets grow: UAH 150.9 billion in 7 months