Registration for online-course “Gender-focused budgeting for hromadas’ development”

Registration to a free distance learning course Gender-focused budgeting for hromadas’ development began on the Prometheus platform.

The course is designed at the request of the Association of Ukrainian Cities within the framework of the USAID “Policy for Ukraine Local Self-Governance” (PULSE) project, implemented by the Association of Ukrainian Cities, and “Gender Budgeting in Ukraine” (GRB) Project, financed by Sweden.

The training will be conducted online for 4 weeks at any convenient time for the course attendees. During this time, the students will also be able to work in the forum and put questions to experienced teachers.

All students to successfully complete the tests will receive an electronic certificate.

The online course will start in November 2018 on the Prometheus platform.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

31.10.2018 - 17:07 | Views: 12696
Registration for online-course “Gender-focused budgeting for hromadas’ development”


study hender


Асоціація міст України

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