Extra financing is provided only where there is a personnel shortage.
The Dunayevetska urban amalgamated hromada has approved a programme that provides additional payments to basic salaries of some primary healthcare physicians. Such doctors will be paid extra UAH 10.000 from the AH budget, writes "Ye" publication.
"Since 1 October we have been working within the reform conditions: we have already established a communal non-profit enterprise, and signed a contract with the National Health Service, so physicians directly receive funds for every patient. But in some settlements, we still have open vacancies due to lack of personnel. That is why we have approved the programme, which provides some extra financing for primary healthcare physicians, and we offer extra UAH 10 thousand to the salary of those who will agree to work in these rural outpatient clinics," says Velina Zayats, head of the Dunayivtsi city council of the amalgamated hromada.
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