Applications for the programme aimed at AH capacity development in land management and investment attraction can be filed by 23 October

During the event, the opportunities of cooperation with the East Europe Foundation and usage of modern innovative socio-economic growth instruments were presented by Natalia Slynko, head of the Local Systemic Development Programme, implemented by the East Europe Foundation within the framework of the USAID Support for Agrarian and Rural Development Project, and Ksenia Sydorkina, deputy director, USAID Support for Agrarian and Rural Development Project.

The Local Systemic Development Programme, an innovative programme for development of AH capacity in land management and investment attraction, has been launched since September 2018. The programme is being implemented by the Eastern Europe Foundation in partnership with Blominfo-Ukraine LLC, NGO “DESPRO” and the Kyiv Economic Institute within the framework of the USAID Support for Agrarian and Rural Development Project.

The objectives of the programme are to implement effective management of land and other resources within AH on the basis of GIS technologies, practical training on spatial data, development of hromadas’ capacity to create development projects to attract investment.

The amalgamated hromadas to be involved in the work of the programme on a partnership basis will be selected based upon an open competition. At the moment, a competitive selection of partner AHs has been announced, its terms can be found at the link.

The deadline for submitting an application for participation in the competition – 23 October 2018.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

17.10.2018 - 17:27 | Views: 10998
Applications for the programme aimed at AH capacity development in land management and investment attraction can be filed by 23 October


investments land


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