2nd Regional Development Forum “Southern Dream”

The 2nd Regional Development Forum “Southern Dream”, dedicated to the issues of regional development and attraction of investments in amalgamated hromadas, will be held on 17-18 October in the Koblivska AH.

The two-day work of the forum involves organiaation of discussion panels:

1. “Results of decentralisation and state regional policy of the southern region”;

2. “Attraction of investments in regional spheres: tourism sector”;

3. “Prospects for local development of accessed territories”;

4. “Intermunicipal cooperation as a local development tool”;

5. “Decentralisation and development projects in the key areas of hromada life (education, healthcare, safety centres, administrative service centres)”;

6. “Introduction of modern information technologies inamalgamated hromadas, introduction of modern systems and technologies for collecting and processing information (within the framework of U-LEAD with Europe Programme), e-solution as a guarantee of living standards’ improvement in hromadas”;

7. “Planning of the next steps of the decentralisation process”.

The participants of the event include the heads of the Mykolayiv, Odesa, Kherson Oblast State Administrations, Mykolayiv Oblast Council, experts from the Central Reform Office, leadership of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, experts of the Mykolayiv Local Government Development Centre, as well as representatives of AHs of the Mykolayiv, Kherson, Odesa, Kirovohrad, Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Poltava Oblasts.

The event is organised by the Mykolayiv LGDC. The 2nd Regional Development Forum “Southern Dream” is being held with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

Date of the event: 17-18 October 2018 (arrival of participants on 16 October)

Venue: 41, Kurortnyi avenue, Kobleve village, Mykolayiv Oblast (hotel complex “De la Vita”)

Time: 9:00 – registration; 9:45 – start of work.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


announcement forum


Миколаївська область


Коблівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Коблівська територіальна громада


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