Village in Rivne Oblast decided to access AH

In early October, the Malyovane village council decided to give consent to voluntary accession to the Mlynivska amalagamated hromada. 

Immediately after the village council, the Mlyniv urban-type settlement council also gave its consent for such accession. Thus, the process of voluntary accession to the AH began.

Taking into account that according to the Perspective Plan of hromadas' formation in the Rivne Oblast, Malyovane belongs to the Mlynivska AH, there are no formal obstacles to such accession.

According to Ruslan Syvyi, director of the Rivne Local Government Development Centre, the initiative of Malyovane is the first in the Rivne Oblast positive attempt of the village hromada to access an AH. Now urban settlement and village councils prepare documents for submission to the oblast state administration to obtain a conclusion.

It is worth mentioning that in February 2017 the Parliament introduced amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Voluntary Amalgamation of Hromadas", which established the procedure for voluntary accession to amalgamated hromadas.


12.10.2018 - 12:47 | Views: 9311

Attached images:


Рівненська область


Млинівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Млинівська територіальна громада


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