Participants of the Land Interests Club bring hundreds of thousands UAH to hromadas

Efficient land management allows to attract hundreds of thousands UAH to the hromada budget. In 2017 the specialists of the Novoborivska AH worked on the problems of the derelict property, and this allowed the hromada to conclude 250 lease agreements with a total area of ​​631 ha at a lease rate of 10%, enriching the budget with UAH 442 thousand.

Such practices form valuable experience for the specialists of the newly established AHs, therefore the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, established by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, regularly conducts educational events, where experienced professionals share successful experience.

“Examples of effective land management show opportunities for AH revenues’ increase. We are sharing the practical case of the Novoborivska AH, and today the Khoroshivska and Ushomyrska AHs have been transforming agreements on derelict property and receiving additional hundreds of thousands UAH to the budget,” said Oleksandr Hnitetskyi, spatial planning adviser of the Zhytomyr LGDC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

02.10.2018 - 13:49 | Views: 8661

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