Serhiy Chernov notes the necessity of legislative support for decentralisation and other challenges faced by the local self-government reform

Serhiy Chernov, head of the Oblast Council, speaking at the final plenary session of the X International Economic Forum “Innovation. Investments. Kharkiv Initiatives!” summed up the panel discussion “Decentralisation and Local Development: New Business Opportunities”.

“In order to ensure a steady growth of the state economy and people’s welfare, the efforts of only the central government are not enough. In the global world, changes take place quickly, which requires the most active reaction from us, including the promptest possible decision-making at the regional and local levels,” said Serhiy Chernov.

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01.10.2018 - 10:12 | Views: 7944
Serhiy Chernov notes the necessity of legislative support for decentralisation and other challenges faced by the local self-government reform

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