The country has the task of completing the local self-government reform in the coming years

In the current and next years, the country faces the task of completing the reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power and to convert decentralisation and a new system of state regional policy into accelerated economic growth of territories. It is stated in the Analytical Report on the annual message of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On the Internal and External Situation in Ukraine in 2018”, published on the website of the National Institute for Strategic Studies.

It is noted that in order to implement this ambitious goal, it is necessary to carry out a number of priority steps. In particular, it is necessary to adopt the law “On the Principles of the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Ukraine”.

"On its basis, the Government should prepare and submit laws on approval of the new administrative-territorial structure at the level of hromadas and rayons to the Parliament’s consideration," the report states.

Besides, the primary steps to complete the reform include the necessity of normative regulation of state supervision in the system of local self-government bodies. In addition, as stated in the document, the law “On the Status of Deputies of Local Councils”, which “should ensure the constitutional protection of deputies from unlawful pressure and, at the same time, not allow them to be detached from protecting the interests of the hromada and their voters”, should be adjusted accordingly.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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