New hromada has felt positive changes

It is always difficult to be the first. This was felt by the leaders of the Novobohdanivska rural amalgamated hromada, who, after the establishment of their administrative unit, embarked on improving the life of the AH settlements.

There are still enough budget revenues

The peculiarity of this hromada is that it was the first to be formed in the Melitopol Rayon against the perspective plan.


The year of development was not easy for a new territorial unit, admitted the AH head Dmytro Khlystun.

Resources for schools’ renovation appeared

Dmytro Khlystun noted that the hromada's self-sufficiency allowed to finally make the necessary renovation in rural schools.

In her turn, Olha Horbenko, head of the Vidrodzhennia Branch of the General Secondary Educational Institution of the I-III degrees “Success” is happy that the educational institution is cared for and provided with financial support.

“The facade of the building was renovated, the territory of the educational institution is arranged, playgrounds are created. At the expense of the AH the school received laptops, furniture, etc.,” says the teacher.


Cultural centre being repaired due to subvention funds


This year the AH received the state subvention for infrastructure development. And, since the old building of the village cultural centre in Starobohdanivka could not stand the test of time, it was decided to direct some of the funds to its renovation.

At the hromada’s expense, it was possible to update cultural centres in the villages of Vidrodzhennia and Troyitske. It is cozy inside the premises, and the facade of the buildings are nice.


Worn-out water pipes disappoint

But until recently the most acute issue has been water supply in the part of Novobohdanivka, where water pipes from the Ukrzaliznytsia (State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine) are laid.


Dmytro Khlystun says that it was decided to reconstruct the networks, and the works are almost over.


Immediate issues are settled

Roads’ repair is also required. The state of most of them is much to be desired, but some roads are not at all on the AH balance, so the hromada has no right to spend budget funds on repairs of these roads.


Investor attraction in plans

At the same time, the Novobohdanivska AH is working to fill its budget. Thus, recently the hromada has received land outside its settlements into communal ownership. Dmytro Khlystun is already considering how it will help attract an investor.

The AH head assures that he does not regret amalgamation and observes that, most importantly, the peasants of the new AH see the prospects for development, which lead to an improvement in their living standards.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Запорізька область


Новобогданівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада


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