Rural green tourism routes presented by AHs of Poltava Oblast


The Pishchanska and Nedoharkivska hromadas of the Poltava Oblast presented new routes within the rural green tourism cluster.

The project is being implemented with the assistance of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, Ukrinform reported.

“About a year ago, a delegation from our AH visited theZakarpattia Oblast, where urban hromadas have already gained experience in this direction. This impressed Poltava Oblast residents. And upon their return, they launched their own tourist project “Five Pearls of the Dnieper”, which gave impetus to the development of rural green tourism in the Poltava Oblast,” said Iryna Balybina, director of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre.


The presented routes include locations that until now remained aside the mass tourism. However, it is precisely on them that the greatest expectations are placed today. According to the organisers, the tourists of both the Poltava and other oblasts will soon consider these remote locality with its rich but little-known general cultural heritage, picturesque landscapes and extraordinary people.


Actually, why not? Such a trip will cost much less than the one with popular tourist routes, and there will be more than enough impressions and positive memories. For example, in an ostrich farm in the village of Pishchane, tourists will be offered to feed two-metre birds, the hospitable “Sweet bee” manor in the village of Kryvushi the guests will try healing honey and herbal drinks, as well as undergo a course of exotic apitherapy.


The hotel and restaurant complex “VK” also provides an active rest, and a chance to get involved in gardening, take over the ancient experience of growing the most delicious apples, as well as learn to ride a horse. And what a great journey is the boat trip under the “Jolly Roger” flag along the Kremenchuk Reservoir, the famous Pyvykha Mountain and the dam of the Kremenchuk Hydroelectric Power Station!


In the course of implementation of the “Five Pearls of the Dnieper” project, the involved hromadas received the necessary consultations and practical assistance from the expert group of the LGDC, Regional Hub for the Central Ukraine, U-LEAD with Europe Programme, that contributed to a successful start. Now, the experts believe, it is necessary to carry out a considerable amount of work, so that the cluster of rural green tourism works to its full extent. However, it is already clear that the idea is timely and successful both for tourism admirers, and for the AHs themselves, that will receive further innovative development and new jobs.




Полтавська область


Недогарківська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Піщанська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада



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