DESPRO has developed online tool to evaluate hromada’s investment readiness

Local economic development involves increase of economic potential of a certain locality to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants. This development makes the territory competitive and leads to its sustainable growth.

In the context of the decentralisation reform, local self-government bodies are increasingly focusing on economic development issues. However, they usually lack a clear plan for such growth and well-organised infrastructure, necessary to attract investors.

Therefore, the experts from the Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) have developed an online tool to evaluate the readiness of local self-government bodies for economic development. Participants can use a unique tool to self-assess hromada’s readiness to attract investments and identify areas of activity that need to be improved.

To take advantage of the tool evaluating hromada’s readiness for economic development, it is necessary to sign up for the online platform Community of Practices: sustainable development at the link and go to the course “Local economic development and hromadas’ readiness to attract investments”.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

18.09.2018 - 14:47 | Views: 14185
DESPRO has developed online tool to evaluate hromada’s investment readiness





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