Terms of reference for creating ASCs in hromadas participating in the U-LEAD with Europe Programme: what and why

What do Terms of Reference (ToR) stand for? This is a document based on:

  • Expert visits to hromadas;
  • Interviews with representatives of the local authorities;
  • Work of a team of analysts;
  • Work of specialists for the institutional establishment of ASCs; 
  • Work of specialists for design, architecture and planning.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

ToR stipulate who, what and when shall do to establish a proper ASC both in terms of institutional capacity and physical infrastructure.

What are the elements of ToR?

Institutional part:

  • Agreed list of services;
  • Form and model of the ASC;
  • Number of staff and required trainings.

Physical part:

  • Detailed office description, including working zones of the ASC, list of repairing and construction works, list and description of furniture and equipment.

In the first round of the Roll-Out Phase of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, 113 hromadas received Terms of Reference for the creation of ASCs.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




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