Decentralisation in Sumy Oblast, positive changes: library and up-to-date therapy unit have been opened in Trostyanetska AH

This year’s day of the town in Trostyanets – centre of the AH – was marked by major events for the AH. Head of the state oblast administration Mykola Klochko attended the opening of the refurbished library and the therapy unit in the local hospital together with the local residents.

“Today, we can witness the successes of Trostyanetska amalgamated hromada, - said Mykola Klochko, opening the refurbished therapy unit. – This depends significantly on the local officials, the town mayor has never told stories complaining that everyone disturbs him, especially the head of the state oblast administration. Instead, he works diligently with his team in coordination with the oblast administration and makes use of the opportunities given by decentralisation thanks to the implemented initiatives of the President of Ukraine, the Government and the ruling coalition.”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

10.09.2018 - 11:01 | Views: 12584
Decentralisation in Sumy Oblast, positive changes: library and up-to-date therapy unit have been opened in Trostyanetska AH

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