Remarks on number and positions of members of executive committees in some of AHs

Contributor: Oleksandr Vrublevsky, expert-adviser of the DESPRO project for the work of starostas and cooperation of hromadas

Executive committees of village, settlement and town councils hold a key position in the system of the executive bodies of local self-government. As co-operative bodies with general powers, they not only lead the entire executive system of respective councils, but also steer, coordinate and control the activities of their executive bodies.

Just to remind, the members of the executive committee are approved by the council upon request of the village, settlement or town mayor. The executive committee must be established by the hromada’s council for the period of its tenure and consist of the following members:

  • Village, settlement, town mayor;
  • Deputy village, settlement, town mayor(s) in charge for the work of the council’s executive bodies;
  • Secretary of the executive committee;
  • Heads of units, departments and other executive bodies of the council;
  • Secretary of the respective council;
  • Starostas;
  • Other persons (apart from the members of the local council).

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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