Criteria for allocation of additional subsidies for education and healthcare proposed to be legislatively introduced

The associations of local self-government and international technical assistance projects and programmes within the framework of the Donor Board under MinRegion proposed to legislatively introduce criteria for allocating additional subsidies among local budgets for the maintenance of educational and healthcare facilities. They have prepared an appropriate draft law amendments.

The need for legislative changes arose due to an imperfect mechanism for the effective allocation of additional subsidies.

As reported by MinRegion, the total amount of additional subsidy, provided to the oblast budget, is proposed to be distributed in the following proportions:

  • no more than 20% — to the regional budget;
  • no less than 80% — among local budgets of the oblast.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

31.08.2018 - 12:23 | Views: 18264
Criteria for allocation of additional subsidies for education and healthcare proposed to be legislatively introduced


budget healthcare education


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