Bilyayivska AH to remunerate residents for sorting garbage

The Bilyayivska urban AH in the Odesa Oblast decided to introduce bonuses for its residents for garbage sorting.

This idea was proposed by the AH leadership after the visit to Austria organised by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, where representatives of five AHs of the Odesa Oblast studied household waste management practices.

People can bring the sorted garbage to the utility waste reception point and give it for recycling. Anyone who hands in the garbage will become a participant of a kind of a loyalty programme. The amount of garbage brought by the residents will be fixed. Special rewards from the communal enterprise are envisaged for a certain weight of garbage delivered: an eco-bag, an interesting book, a modern gadget or household appliances. The bonus system is currently being discussed by the City Council and will soon be publicly disclosed.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

30.08.2018 - 12:26 | Views: 10214
Bilyayivska AH to remunerate residents for sorting garbage




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Біляївська територіальна громада


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