In April 2016 the mountainous village of Rodnykova Huta, located in the Svalyava Rayon, experienced a strong flood.
The water level in the local stream increased by 5 metres, demolished buildings, bridges, remains of asphalt on the road, not repaired since the Soviet Union. The depressed village, left by the youth moving to other countries, was almost cut off from civilisation.
In October 2016, residents of Rodnykova Huta formed the Polyanska AH together with other neighbouring villages. In a year they managed to restore the infrastructure, repair budget institutions, reported Serhiy Arendash, head of the Rodnykova Huta Village Council, which is part of the Polyanska AH.
In spring of the next year after amalgamation, the AH started repairing infrastructure, destroyed by the flood, says Serhiy Arendash. The road issue received the prioritised attention.
The road was not only paved with asphalt (the AH allocated UAH 1.5 million for this purpose, and the local contractor performed the work), it was extended, since in winter the cars could not pass each other because of the lack of roadsides. Water gangs were dug as well.
The starista also shows a restored culture club in the village of Rodnykova Huta. It was repaired in co-financing with a Czech partner.
We also visited a restored educational complex in the mountainous village.
Ivan Drohobetskyi, head of the Polyanska AH, says that his hromada is really pursuing a policy aimed at supporting remote villages.
The Polyanska AH was formed in October 2016. It consists of three hromadas with the area of 162 sq km and population of almost 8 thousand people. In 2017, revenues to the general fund, including interbudgetary transfers, amounted to UAH 45.7 million.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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