Polyanska AH plans to establish house for elderly people

After a working trip to Poland, where the representatives of the Polyanska AH studied the experience of their colleagues in the social sphere, hromada residents plan to create a house for the elderly.

Zakarpattia Oblast residents got acquainted with the Polish decentralisation experience as well as social service delivery at the local level during a working visit to Lublin. They were impressed that Polish communities care that elderly people living in gminas had something to do.

"We have people in need of care in the hromada, but the way the state is now providing these services is a showcase: when a social worker comes to cook borshch once a week, though that person needs daily care! We have lots of vacant premises on the territory, and we can create such a territory centre. In Poland, they exist at the level of districts and regions, and not at the level of gminas, since these are delegated powers, they are maintained by the district, and the gmina pays for its inhabitants – again, from the state subvention,” said Ivan Drohobetskyi, head of the AH.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

21.08.2018 - 16:13 | Views: 9023
Polyanska AH plans to establish house for elderly people


social services


Закарпатська область


Полянська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Полянська територіальна громада



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