45th AH formed in Ternopil Oblast

Stepan Barna, head of the Ternopil Oblast State Administration, signed an order on voluntary amalgamation of five villages near the city of Ternopil into the Pidhorodnyanska AH, as reported by the press service of the oblast state administration.

“The hromada will amalgamate five settlements – Pidhorodnye, Dovzhanka, Domamorychi, Drahanivka and Pochapyntsi. Talking about budget filling, if in 2014 we began with own revenues of all levels of budgets of about UAH 900 million, then we expect to finish this year with UAH 3.8 billion. It is clear that these funds provide an incentive for AH development, and it is possible to solve a set of issues on social infrastructure, street lighting, etc.” said Mr Barna.

He also added that, together with the order on the formation of a new AH, the oblast authorities transfer not only powers, but also responsibility and a number of certain obligations to it.

This is the 45th AH formed in the Ternopil Oblast.


Тернопільська область



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