Cooperation of hromadas in healthcare sector: 77% of rayon population have already signed declarations with doctors

The Poltava Oblast occupies one of the first places in Ukraine by the percentage of signed declarations with family doctors. As of the beginning of August, nearly 700 thousand declarations have been concluded in the oblast.

The Pryshyb Primary Healthcare Centre is leading the e-Health rating table. It has covered 77% of the population with signed declarations.

The Centre was established by hromadas of the Kremenchuk Rayon of the Poltava Oblast on the basis of the agreement on intermunicipal cooperation at the beginning of last year.

“The Poltava Oblast is the leader in Ukraine in terms of intermunicipal cooperation agreements. This is not just a quantitative indicator. An example of hromadas’ cooperation in the Kremenchuk Rayon in several directions again shows the prospects of decentralisation. At present, the very hromadas’ joint healthcare centre took the lead in the list of advanced PHC in the Poltava Oblast,” said Oleksandr Isyp, decentralisation adviser of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

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07.08.2018 - 09:47 | Views: 12147
Cooperation of hromadas in healthcare sector: 77% of rayon population have already signed declarations with doctors


healthcare cooperation


Полтавська область


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