Making others envy: luxurious village sports complex created

On the occasion of the Independence Day the Ivaniv village of the Kalynivka Rayon of the Vinnytsia Oblast will open a large sports complex.

Mykhailo Kulyk, head of the Ivaniv village, promised it to the local youth 9 months ago before the elections. Now the construction work is being rapidly completed. The contractors have already built a large football field with artificial surface and powerful lighting. There is a tennis court nearby that can be used for basketball and volleyball, as well as benches and the grand stand for football fans. The lavatory was built as well. There are all kinds of training simulators and a large playground in the form of a pirate ship for the smallest residents of the village in the second part of the sports complex.

The builders are laying colored paving tile. The tennis court is adorned with decorative thuyas. A fountain will be launched in a few days.

More than UAH 3 million 200 thousand were spent on the project. 90 percent of the amount were provided by the local farming enterprise. It is managed by two brothers of the AH head.

The village is famous all over the world for its home-made smoked “Yanivska sausage”. People hold large farms, if they do not have permanent jobs. They are engaged in pigs’ breeding and sell pork. However, there are many those, who went to work in Poland.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



youth sport


Вінницька область


Іванівська територіальна громада


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