20 March 2025

Increase in salaries of family physicians, general practitioners and pediatricians in July

The first increased salaries were received by physicians in institutions that switched to a new model of financing based on the principle of “money following the patient”.

A decision on salary policy in each particular healthcare institution is made by the team, therefore, the approach to salaries and the moment of increase initiation is different at each institution.

Zhytomyr Oblast, urban-type settlement of Dovbysh

Communal non-profit enterprise “Dovbysh Settlement Primary Healthcare Centre”

In July, a family physician of the primary healthcare institution in the Zhytomyr Oblast, who has already signed declarations with 1,624 patiens, received UAH 7.504 net of tax. A month ago, in June, her salary was UAH 3.411 net of tax.

Odesa Oblast, city of Balta

Communal non-profit enterprise “Balta Primary Healthcare Centre”

The doctor, who signed 1795 declarations, received a salary of UAH 16 011 net of tax in July. In June, her income amounted to only UAH 5.834.

Ivano-Frankivska Oblast, city of Kolomyia

Communal non-profit enterprise “Kolomyia City Primary Healthcare Centre”

A pediatrician in the primary healthcare institution in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, who received the optimal number of patients’ declarations (900 children) received UAH 7.720 net of tax in July. In June, her income amounted to UAH 4.750. The nurse of the same healthcare institution received a salary of UAH 6 316 in July compared to UAH 3 876 in June.

Donetsk Oblast, city of Selydove

Communal non-profit enterprise “Primary Healthcare Centre of the Selydove City Council”

In Selydove, Donetsk Oblast, a family doctor, who signed 1800 declarations, received UAH 10.504 net of tax in July. In June the sum was UAH 5 450.


Vinnytsia Oblast, city of Nemyriv

Communal non-profit enterprise “Primary Healthcare Centre of the Nemyriv City Council”

The doctor of the primary healthcare centre in Nemyriv, Vinnytsia Oblast, used to receive UAH 5.600. He signed 1450 declarations with patients and in July received already UAH 11.460 net of tax.

Poltava Oblast, city of Kremenchuk

Communal non-profit enterprise “Primary Healthcare Centre No 3”

The family doctor of the highest category in the Kremenchuk Primary Healthcare Centre No 3 in the Poltava Oblast had a salary of UAH 8.186 net of tax in June. The doctor is popular – he has already been chosen by 1800 patients. In July, when the healthcare institution received the first payment for medical care of patients from the National Health Service, this family doctor received UAH 13 730 net of tax. The nurse, who works with him, used to receive UAH 5.400 and now earns UAH 6.250.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE





Міністерство охорони здоров'я України

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