Coordinating Council of Amalgamated Hromadas created in Odesa Oblast

The corresponding order was signed by Maksym Stepanov, head of the Odesa Oblast State Administration.

According to the document, the Coordinating Council of AHs is an advisory body under the Odesa Oblast State Administration, it is headed by the head of the OSA and includes all the heads of AHs (with their consent) as its members.

The main tasks of the Coordination Council of AHs are: to ensure coordinated actions of the OSA head and heads of AHs; study the issues related to the implementation of joint development programmes of the Odesa Oblast; analyse the current state of AH development; search for ways of harmonious combination of centralisation and decentralisation; prepare coordinated proposals and recommendations for improving the interaction between local executive authorities and local self-government bodies.

It should be noted that there are currently 28 AHs in the oblast. Another 4 are waiting for the conclusion of the Odesa Oblast State Administration.




amalgamation of hromadas


Одеська область


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