20 March 2025

Infrastructure subvention for AHs of Chernivtsi Oblast in 2018

By Oleksiy Hrushko, regional development adviser of the Chernivtsi Local Government Development Centre,

established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion

Subvention for the formation of the AH infrastructure is provided for the creation and modernisation of the infrastructure of amalgamated hromadas and may be directed to new construction, reconstruction, overhaul and development of communally owned infrastructure facilities (including for the preparation of design and urban planning documentation).

In 2016, during the first budget year of existence of AHs in Ukraine, the State Budget envisaged allocation of UAH 1 billion subvention for hromadas’ infrastructure development. Subvention funds were distributed among 159 AHs according to a clear formula: depending on the number of rural population and hromada size. The Chernivtsi Oblast, despite being the smallest in terms of area and population, became the eighth in terms of funding, attracting more than UAH 45 million for the infrastructure of AHs.


Allocation of subvention for AHs of the Chernivtsi Oblast in 2016 - UAH 45.4 million

According to the allocation methodology, the Mamalyhivska AH, the largest AH in the oblast at that moment, received the largest funds for infrastructure development.

In 2016, 10 hromadas of the Chernivtsi Oblast implemented 67 projects in the total amount of almost UAH 45.4 million, which made up 99.9% of the funds allocated to the region.


Distribution of infrastructure subvention by AHs of the Chernivtsi Oblast in terms of use.

In 2017, the subvention for the infrastructure formation of 366 AHs, formed in 2015-2016, amounted to UAH 1.5 billion.


Allocation of subvention for AHs of the Chernivtsi Oblast in 2017 - UAH 61.9 million

In total, the AHs of the Chernivtsi Oblast submitted 82 infrastructure projects.

In 2018, the state budget provided funds t implement infrastructure subvention projects in the amount of UAH 1.9 billion, but the number of AHs increased as well.

The Storozhynetska AH has been the leader in the number of projects submitted for the infrastructure subvention for the second year in a row – this year it has filed and approved 10 applications. This year, the most popular projects were related to the field of education – 29 such projects will be implemented in the Chernivtsi Oblast in 2018, the second place belongs to the road infrastructure projects.


Allocation of infrastructure subvention by sectors

As of the end of July, most AHs of the oblast have already begun implementing projects under the infrastructure subvention, and by the end of the year, the Chernivtsi LGDC advisers will continuously monitor this process, reporting on the hromadas’ success.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


subvention 2018


Чернівецька область


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