21 March 2025

On feasibility of establishing joint ASC (+ draft Memoranda of Cooperation)

As part of implementation of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, particular attention is paid to the issue of establishment of ASCs in hromadas that are simultaneously the rayon centres.

Experts support the direction of increasing the capacity of local self-government bodies to provide administrative services and prevent the work of two separate ASCs (that of the hromada and rayon state administrations), especially in separate premises. It is inconvenient for service users and inefficient for the state.

Wherever possible, there should be one ASC in one settlement. And for this purpose the model of establishment of a joint (city-rayon, settlement-rayon) ASC on the basis of the hromada’s ASC can be used. With this approach, the ASC of the rayon state administration is liquidated.

As a transitional option and in certain well-founded cases (in particular, when the number of inhabitants in the rayon is substantially larger than the number of hromada residents), the model of work of two ASCs in one premises can be used.

The Programme experts prepared the drafts of the relevant Memoranda to resolve the issues of the establishment and operation of the joint ASC:

· MEMORANDUM of cooperation in the domain of administrative service delivery (on the establishment of a joint / city-, sellement-rayon ASC, with liquidation of the ASC of the rayon state administration)

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· MEMORANDUM of cooperation in the domain of administrative service delivery (on the establishment and work of a joint / united / city-, settlement-rayon ASC, in the form of work of the ASC of the local self-government bodies and ASC of the RSA in one premises)

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30.07.2018 - 15:41 | Views: 18604
On feasibility of establishing joint ASC (+ draft Memoranda of Cooperation)


Administrative services


Програма «U-LEAD з Європою»

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