“The light is seen at the end of the tunnel, but the tunnel does not end”. Perspective Manevytska hromada has been long waiting for amalgamation

The Volyn Oblast is 4th in the ranking of oblasts on formation of amalgamated hromadas. According to the Perspective Plan for the formation of hromadas of the Volyn Oblast, 6 local councils should have been included in the Manevychi Settlement Council.

Oleksandr Havrylyuk, head of the urban-type settlement of Manevychi, is careful in details while explaining the reasons for the current situation. He says there is external impact that hampers hromada’s formation.

- Rayon authorities do not support such amalgamation, - summed up the settlement head.

We precise which rayon authorities are meant: rayon council or rayon state administration.

- The rayon council does not take part in the reform at all. And the rayon state administration does not see such a hromada consisting of two councils.

We applied for a comment to Andriy Lyndyuk, head of the Manevychi Rayon State Administration.

He stressed that he would continue to defend his opinion about the large hromada of 15 rural councils with a centre in Manevychi.

Besides, according to the head of the RSA, the Kostyukivka and Nova Ruda hromadas wished to join Manevychi, though it contradicted the Perspective Plan, but, he says, they were not accepted for some reason.

“The leading part in the inability to amalgamate the Manevychi and Cherevakha hromadas is played by the head of the Manevychi RSA,” said Volodymyr Cherchyk, deputy of the Manevychi settlement council. “He wants to have a large hromada – from the western to the eastern border of the rayon, and it is 120 km. Our rayon is large. He told this last year as well. A year has passed, and there are no shifts.

It is difficult to envy the Cherevakha hromada in this situation. Village head Valentyna Chernyshena said that the situation in the village is very complicated, there are many unsolved problems, which cannot be overcome by the hromada on their own within the current conditions.

It turns out that nobody is against amalgamation, and there is still no AH in any format.

Meanwhile, according to the head of the Manevychi RSA, changes to the Perspective Plan regarding the Manevychi hromada, consisting of 15 councils, have already been sent to the oblast commission. He expressed hope that in September the oblast council will approve them.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

26.07.2018 - 11:11 | Views: 11075
“The light is seen at the end of the tunnel, but the tunnel does not end”. Perspective Manevytska hromada has been long waiting for amalgamation


Волинська область


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