Sun energy in Malopereshchepynska AH

At the end of the last year, the project for the installation of solar panels in the Malopereshchepynska amalgamated hromada won the oblast competition of hromadas’ development projects of the Poltava Oblast.

The installation of solar panels on the hromada’s administrative building has recently started. Their power is 10 kW. This is enough for the needs of the village council building. Significant savings will be made regarding electricity and heating costs.

The partners of the project of the Malopereshchepynska AH were represented by an NGO and a local socially responsible agrarian business entity.

“This young amalgamated hromada demonstrates the benefits of decentralisation almost every month. The hromada, headed by Anatoliy Troyan, tries to take full advantage of the historic chance of the reform and improve the lives of fellow countrymen. Recently, a sewing unit has been opened here, and now they are installing solar panels,” says Hennadii Fasii, municipal service expert at the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.




23.07.2018 - 11:08 | Views: 11295
Sun energy in Malopereshchepynska AH

Attached images:


energy efficiency


Полтавська область


Малоперещепинська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада


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