72% of Novokalynivska AH population work on their territory

7699 residents live in the Novokalynivska urban AH in the Lviv Oblast, of whom only 15% are pensioners, 27% are children, and the rest are people of working age. Only 7% work outside the hromada, and 72% have a permanent job on the AH territory.

Considering that so many young people and children live in the Novokalynivska amalgamated hromada, here they are working hard to create favourable living conditions, organise working hours and leisure activities.

The AH is constructing a kindergarten for three hundred children, as well as a football field with artificial surface on the territory of the Novokalynivka educational complex. According to the technical requirements, it is envisaged to create all the necessary conditions for systematic and safe football training, improve the general physical training level of schoolchildren and residents of the city.

As Yaroslava Karkach, secretary of the Novokalynivka City Council, told the representatives of the Lviv LGDC, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, the Novokalynivka City Council allocated UAH 751 thousand and UAH 748 thousand came from the state budget to implement the project.

The grand opening of the football field is scheduled for the City Day – 28 July 2018.

19.07.2018 - 09:22 | Views: 7662
72% of Novokalynivska AH population work on their territory


Львівська область


Новокалинівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


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