Concept for mountainous areas’ development should be formed already by autumn, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

Concept for mountainous areas’ development should be formed already by autumn, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

The Concept for the Development of Mountainous Areas, a document developed by governmental and non-governmental experts involving representatives of the regions, based on best international practices, should be submitted for consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine this autumn, said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine and chairman of the working group, at a second meeting of the working group on analysis of problematic issues of the mountainous areas.

“We already have a working draft Concept. We will discuss it publicly in the regions. And this is just the first step. In the final version, we must come to the State Strategy or programme for the development of mountainous areas, which should be part of the overall State Strategy for Regional Development. Besides, the regional development strategy of each mountainous region should comprise a strategy for the development of mountainous areas, which will cover all the relevant local projects and programmes. Only if national and regional strategies are coordinated will we be able to formulate a state policy on the development of mountainous areas reflecting the problems and interests of regions and hromadas,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda.

According to him, everything to be regulated by the law for the implementation of this policy should be reflected in a single draft law.

“I think it is not necessary now to focus on the adoption of laws that address only few issues of the development of mountainous areas. It is necessary to develop a single draft law, which regulates a set of issues and allows to implement the state policy in this direction,” noted the First Deputy Minister.

Materials on the topic:

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We have to elaborate strategy for regional development in mountainous areas - President 



V.Nehoda regional development mountainous areas



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