Serhiy Chernov: When amalgamation of hromadas is completed, amalgamation between AHs may be needed

Interview of Serhiy Chernov, head of the Kharkiv Oblast Council, to the “Slobidskyi Krai” newspaper.

The “SK” asked Serhiy Chernov, head of the Kharkiv Oblast Council, about the risks of decentralisation, gas-oil funds that do not reach local budgets, and reasons for a change in the administrative and territorial structure of the country.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

18.07.2018 - 10:45 | Views: 16046
Serhiy Chernov: When amalgamation of hromadas is completed, amalgamation between AHs may be needed


administrative and territorial structure budget Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils


Харківська область


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