Bucha Mayor states that AH formation is hampered by “fatty interlayer”
The main obstacles to the formation of amalgamated hromadas in the Kyiv Oblast are created by the representatives of rayon management, informed Anatoliy Fedoruk, Mayor of Bucha, during a press conference at Ukrinform on “Grenade as an argument to establish an AH. Is it an echo of the past or a blast into the future?”.
“There is one more “interlayer”, I will call it just this way, because it is rather fatty for many – it's a rayon branch, which includes the rayon council and rayon state administration. And I can already firmly state that through the process of hromadas’ amalgamation, and, moreover, implementing the law on accession of hromadas to the city of oblast significance, based on the initiative of villages, urban-type settlements, we see obstacles, misunderstanding in general, or gross violation of the law on voluntary amalgamation or accession of hromadas,” Mr Fedoruk said.
Bucha City Mayor expressed his conviction that most village, settlement and city mayors in the Kyiv Oblast are not slowing down the process of hromadas’ amalgamation. According to him, they take measures to dissiminate the positive experience of the first AHs and amalgamation benefits among the rural hromadas. “The government of our state does everything properly, provides and even stimulates from a financial point of view. The Kyiv Oblast State Administration and Oblast Council contribute to these issues,” he said.
According to the mayor, the main obstacles to the implementation of the reform are created precisely by the rayon authorities, who convince not to carry out decentralisation using various incentives.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

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