Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman said that 251 out of 665 amalgamated hromadas have already received land ownership outside their settlements. In general, 387 thousand hectares of agricultural land have already been transferred to hromadas.
“We have already transferred land to 251 AHs, which makes up 387 thousand hectares,” he said at the Governmental meeting.
On 31 January, the Government approved the Resolution No. 60-r on the transfer of state-owned agricultural land plots to the communal ownership of amalgamated hromadas, allowing land decentralisation to happen without resorting to changes in legislation.
The StateGeoCadastre started the process of transferring land on 1 February 2018. During the first week, 99% of AHs made the first step towards obtaining land ownership by signing memoranda with the StateGeoCadastre.
A special portal ( was created to cover the state of land transfer to AHs and the hot line (0 800 502 528) was introduced to get prompt consultations from the StateGeoCadastre experts on this issue.
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