I lost my seal, but the hromada gained new opportunities – starosta of Solonkivska AH on hromadas’ amalgamation

The journalists visited starosta district of the Solonkivska amalgamated hromada within the framework of the event “The role of regional mass media in the process of hromadas’ amalgamation”, organised by the Lviv LGDC, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

Starostas of the Solonkivska AH of Porshna and Rakovets starosta districts told about overcome ambitions, hromada development and benefits for villagers.

According to Viktor Solyha, starosta of the Rakovets starosta district, after amalgamation the villages were not only far from being dead, they revived as significantly more funds, which are invested in infrastructure, updating of communications and planning of territory development, came here.

“Personally I lost my seal, but the hromada gained substantial financial opportunities,” replied the starosta of the Porshna starosta district of the Solonkivska AH to the question on what the hromada gained and lost after amalgamation.

As evidence of this, the village of Lypnyky plans to arrange pavement this year, 40-year old gas and water supply systems have been replaced here, and they also plan to set up rainwater sewage, which requires about one million hryvnias.

“The village definitely did not have such funds before amalgamation. If it were not for decentralisation, then our villages would still have old supply systems,” said Bohdan Barkyt, starosta of the Porshna starosta district of the Solonkvska AH

11.07.2018 - 09:34 | Views: 12872
I lost my seal, but the hromada gained new opportunities – starosta of Solonkivska AH on hromadas’ amalgamation




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