Budget calculator to estimate capacity of future AH appeared

“Calculator for estimation of the financial capacity of a perspective amalgamated hromada” is a software package, developed with the support of the Swiss-Ukrainian project “ Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) under MinRegion’s order.

The programme provides an opportunity to model the budget of the future AH, based on the predicted budget indicators of villages, urban-type settlements, cities that have decided to establish or join the existing AH, as reported by Oksana Harnets, DESPRO Project Manager.

“The budget calculator is a convenient tool that allows hromadas to analyse and justify the financial component of amalgamation and engage in modern ways of resource management,” said Oksana Harnets.

Creation of a budget calculator was positively evaluated in the expert environment. According to Yanina Kazyuk, financial decentralisation coordinator of the Central Reform Office under MinRegion, it will facilitate the process of calculations to determine the future hromada capacity.

“Amalgamation of hromadas is meaningful, when preliminary calculations prove that such an AH will be able, including in terms of budget indicators, to solve all issues of local importance. That is why there was a need for such a programme that would facilitate these calculations and will be able to model different combinations of options in order to choose the best,” said Yanina Kazyuk.

She informed that oblast state administrations and experts of the Local Government Development Centres, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, are already using the calculator. There, local hromadas will be able to get advice on modeling financial capability of future AHs.

MinRegion expressed their gratitude to DESPRO for understanding and support in creating a calculator to estimate the financial capacity of a perspective AH.

Calculator to estimate the financial capability of a perspective AH





budget Yanina Kazyuk O.Harnets


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