Young specialists engaged in work within Novostrilyshchanska AH

On 3 July, the Novostrilyshchanska AH signed an agreement on cooperation in terms of involving young professionals in work within hromada.

For the first time, a student of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management at the Lviv Polytechnic National University will start a pre-diploma master's degree training in public administration in the Novostrilyshchanska AH.

Through this cooperation, students can apply the acquired theoretical skills, and hromada will receive a specialist with a fresh look and modern vision of development.

“This is a good opportunity for the hromada to get a specialist with innovative approaches in management, building of a communication system and effective use of hromada’s financial resources,” said Olena Bilyk, Deputy Head of the Department of the Administrative and Financial Management.

In addition to current work, the student's task within the training will be to write a project for an international grant, taking hromada’s potential into account.

According to Zenoviy Siryk, regional development expert of the Lviv LGDC, this practical component of the agreement will positively affect the extension of hromada’a financial capabilities and will significantly contribute to the implementation of the AH development plans.

In addition to the Novostrilyshchanska AH, another hromada of the Lviv Oblast will receive a young specialist by the end of the month.

04.07.2018 - 14:39 | Views: 14402
Young specialists engaged in work within Novostrilyshchanska AH

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youth education


Львівська область


Новострілищанська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада


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