All-Ukrainian forum “Youth Capital of Ukraine” to be held in Lviv in September

On 6-7 September, the first All-Ukrainian forum "Youth Capital of Ukraine" will take place in Lviv. The event was announced during the press conference at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre.

The press conference was attended by Oleksandr Yarema, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, Andriy Sadovyi, Mayor of Lviv, Oleksandr Nykolyak, student mayor of Lviv, Matviy Dukh, head of the Lviv Plast (ed. Scout) Branch, and Nataliya Shevchuk, head of the Lviv Youth Council.

As Oleksandr Yarema noted, the Forum is planned as a platform for young people, representatives of local self-government bodies from different regions of Ukraine, in particular the cities that joined the contest “Youth Capital of Ukraine – 2018”.

“The forum should become a thinktank of innovations, and ideas on how youth policy in cities should be developed, and how the interaction between local self-government bodies and youth should be carried out, how young people can be involved in decision-making processes and become agents of change, active participants in the processes taking place in cities today,” the Deputy Minister emphasised.

“We must work and teach those people who will rule the country tomorrow and take responsibility for this country,” said Andriy Sadovyi. “It is important for us that young people succeed, see themselves in this country and develop it. And this forum will be a great platform for young people.”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

02.07.2018 - 10:54 | Views: 15224
All-Ukrainian forum “Youth Capital of Ukraine” to be held in Lviv in September





Львівська область


Міністерство молоді та спорту

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