26 March 2025

DESPRO Training for women-local self-government leaders – admission is open!

The Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) announces a competition for participation in the DESPRO Training for Women Local Self-Government Leaders”, which will be held on 16-18 July 2018 in Kyiv.

The training is aimed at forming an effective network of women-leaders of local self-government and is the first of a series of relevant thematic events of the DESPRO project.

The main goal of the training is to strengthen the role of women in amalgamated hromadas, to develop their leadership potential by mastering the techniques of effective communication and team work, acquisition of negotiation practices with a special emphasis on the specifics of work in the field of local self-government.

The Training invites:

  • female representatives of local self-government bodies of AHs of Ukraine;
  • women, who need to develop leadership skills and pass advanced training to work in the field of local self-government.

During the selection process, preference will be given to graduates of the DESPRO Local Government School, participants of the DESPRO Local Development Practice Community, AH officials within the framework of elaboration of Development Strategies and representatives of partner hromadas of the project.

To take part in the competition one needs to:

The participants, selected for participation, will be notified by 05 July 2018 (inclusive).

As a result of the training, the participants will receive Diplomas on successful completion of the Training and will be able to join the network of female leaders of local self-government.

The Training completion will entail passing of an online course on leadership in local self-government. The most active participants will be able to take part in study visits to other countries for experience exchange.

For any questions, please, contact the organisers by phone +38 (044) 270 55 21 or by e-mail despro@despro.org.ua

We also ask you to send your resume with “Application for participation in the DESPRO Training for women-local self-government leaders as a subject matter to an e-mail: despro@despro.org.ua


DESPRO announcement competition



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