We must finally transfer tariff rate formation to local self-government, — Hennadii Zubko

We must finally transfer tariff rates formation to local self-government and ensure accountability to citizens, announced Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, on the air of the 5th Channel.

"In the context of the decentralisation reform, we have taken steps not only to financial, but also tariff decentralisation. The powers to set tariffs for housing and communal services are transferred to local authorities. Today, many cities have left the tariff setting terms of an independent regulator – the National Commission on State Regulation in the Field of Energy and Communal Services, and independently set up tariff rates, determine their economic justification and kind of assistance that can be provided to their communal enterprises from local budgets. But we want to bring this process to the end, so that local self-governments throughout Ukraine set tariffs for heat and water supply independently, and most importantly – report to their hromada on why this exact tariff rate was set up. It will increase the quality of heat and water supply, since local authorities will themselves be interested in raising the level of relevant services. And residents will be able to control the price and quality compliance of the received communal services,” said Hennadii Zubko.

He informed that there is already a new membership of the National Commission on State Regulation in the Field of Energy and Communal Services, and discussion of completion of tariff decentralisation is underway.

In addition, according to Hennadii Zubko, “the issue of modernisation of communal enterprises, critical infrastructure, life support systems and implementation of the Law “On Heat Supply” within decentralisation should be a priority for local self-government bodies”.

13.06.2018 - 12:58 | Views: 6048
We must finally transfer tariff rate formation to local self-government, — Hennadii Zubko



Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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