Family doctors of Odesa Oblast learned peculiarities of communication with patients and modern medical practice methods

The first training session within the framework of the "Successful Doctor Workshop" project was organised by the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, Heath Department of the Odesa Oblast State Administration, Health and Communications Centre and the Academy of Family Medicine of Ukraine on 12 June.

The purpose of the event, which gathered mainly family doctors of the Odesa Oblast, was to upgrade the various skills of a primary healthcare physician in order to effectively use the time and efforts of the doctor and attract as many patients as possible, who are currently choosing family doctors within the framework of the healthcare reform.

"The Odesa LGDC, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, provides expert and advisory support on the issues of decentralisation and sectoral reforms in Ukraine. The healthcare reform is one of the most important in our state, so the LGDC is constantly involved in the comprehensive support of such activities. An interesting format was chosen today: in addition to panel discussions, four master classes will be simultaneously held for you as specialists, new developments and medical instruments will be offered to you as well. Therefore, we hope for fruitful work both in increasing the level of qualification of family doctors in the Odesa Oblast and in attracting young specialists to these positions,” said Yevheniya Henova, communications adviser of the Odesa LGDC, in her introductory speech.

According to Oksana Pasternak, chief doctor of the Health and Communications Centre, there are more than 1,000 family doctors working in the oblast today, but these are mostly retired or almost retired specialists. There are questions to their qualification level. "I think you all remember well how this reform was once initiated, how doctors were retrained, received relevant documents, but did not receive full and comprehensive knowledge. Our task today is not only to certify you, but also give knowledge, skills, techniques, practical advice,” she explained.

The participants discussed the issues of communication between a doctor and a patient, conditions for successful general medical practice, and also attended workshops on diagnostics and treatment. In conclusion, doctors received certificates of passing the first training from the planned series, consisting of four interactive workshops.

13.06.2018 - 09:00 | Views: 12860
Family doctors of Odesa Oblast learned peculiarities of communication with patients and modern medical practice methods

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